Rawnak Mahjabib

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Hi! I'm Rawnak.
I'm a Technology Enthusiast
based in NYC.

🤗 👋

Meet Rawnak

Product and Quality Assurance Analyst at Alethea AI.
Insatiably Curious, Lifelong Learner with a passion for putting people first.

Prior to her journey working at Alethea AI, Rawnak gained experience as a Math Teacher working at Public Schools in New York City serving underserved communities in Harlem and Brooklyn. She has been selected as one of Mathspace's Esteemed Educators. Mathspace's Esteemed Educator program recognizes top teachers in North America for their vision and drive to innovate mathematics education.

Rawnak completed her technical education in FinTech at Columbia University, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. She also has an interdisciplinary educational background with her undergraduate degree in International Criminal Justice and a minor in Economics from CUNY John Jay.

Problem Solver

Rawnak's true passion is to help others. She is enthusiastic about using technology and solving complex problems.


Rawnak has strong analytical and reporting skills. She is experienced in Python and various data visualization tools and platforms.


Rawnak practices what she preaches to all of her students.
She possesses a growth mindset, and is energized by learning opportunities.

Strong Communicator

Rawnak has the ability to translate data into clear, meaningful stories that can be understood by both technical and non-technical audiences.



CryptoMarket Scout utilizes CoinGecko's API to gather historical data on several cryptocurrencies. CryptoMarket Scout provides Market Snapshots of the cryptocurrency market that allows Users to access several summary metrics such as daily percentage winners/losers, market cap, total volume, circulating supply, and more.

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"Up In The Air" is a dashboard that allows Users to locate real-time flights, view estimated departure/arrival times, whether or not a flight is delayed, and analyze public sentiment surrounding the airline industry through Tweets 🐦. Users are given the ability to purchase flight insurance through their Ether wallets and can claim their pay-outs using the Webapp.

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Profit Splitter: Blockchain and Cryptocurrency contains smart contracts built using Solidity, Ganache, and the Remix Ethereum IDE. The smart contracts distribute funds and stock equity on a specific schedule using guidelines such as a deferred equity incentive plan. I deployed the contracts to a live Testnet.

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